Vintage Electronic Calculators:

Overview of Brands


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AKA: MODEL fx-1, Product number (P/N): fx1 (fx-1),
Keywords/Tags: fx1 (fx-1)
Date of intro: feb-1972, Origin: Japan (List), Dimensions: 317x241x76mm, Weight: 2300g,
Power: AC,
Display: Type = Display (Nixie) (List), Brand = HITACHI: CD90P, Digits = 12,
Number of keys: 40, #Key-Black: 6, #Key-Blue: 4, #Key-Red: 2, #Key-SilverColor: 17, #Key-White: 11,
Decimal switch: [8-6-4-3-2-0], Round switch: [F-5/4-CUT],
Classification: / Desktop with Display,
Featuring: Scientific functions, Square root, Logic-technology: LSI (Large Scale Integration), calculator-chipset, Memories: 2,
Related with: CASIO_docu: (Instr.) FX1: Bedienungsanleitung; CASIO_docu: (Broch.) FX1: Wissenschaftlich-technischer...; CASIO_docu: (Broch.) *: A brief introduction... (1972); CASIO_docu: (Broch.) FX1: 16 common function at one touch; CASIO_docu: (Broch.) FX1 (Japanese) version-1; CASIO_docu: (Broch.) FX1 (Japanese) version-2,
Main Components: CASIO: A12E1C; NEC: µPD173D; NEC: D174B; NEC: D502 {3x}; NEC: D502D; NEC: D503 {3x}; NEC: D503D,
Original Equipment Manufacturer : CASIO: FX1 (List of all Export-OEM-models from CASIO), Resemblance with: DIETZGEN: ESR1; REMINGTON: EDC1259S,
Serie-members: CASIO: FX1 (Nixie-display); CASIO: FX2 (VFD-display),
Known Serial-numbers: 105243 | 105251 | 106263 | 205256 | 205911 | 206071 (List of all S/Ns from CASIO)
Initial Cost Price: 325000 JPY (€ 2.632,50), Collector value: 9.5/10,
Courtesy of: CALCUSEUM (Serge DEVIDTS),
Info: First scientific calc. from CASIO
Internet: Link-1: THE OLD CALCULATOR MUSEUM, Link-2: LEDUDU, Link-3: KIRCHOF Thomas, Link-4, Link-5: YouTube



Label, name plate
S/N: 105251

Protection (dust cover)

Created: 01-jan-2014, Manual-update: 16-sep-2023, Batch-update: 27-jan-2025             

# Pageloads since 2018: 690             

4 Pic(s),


If you have a (better) personal picture and/or missing info about any model not listed: Please do send a Mail