Vintage Electronic Calculators:

Overview of Brands


MEI: 1200
(Page 1/1)

Product number (P/N): 1200,
Keywords/Tags: 1200
Date of intro: ~1972,
Power: AC,
Display: Type = Display (Gas disharge: segmented block) (List), Brand = REMINGTON: SP736 {6x}, Digits = 12, Extra Display features: Type = Display (Incandescent bulb) (List), Quantity = 1,
Keyboard: Computer-Keyboard keys with keycaps, Number of keys: 17, #Key-Blue: 6, #Key-White: 11,
Classification: / Desktop with Display,
Main Components: CAL-TEX: CT5001,
Known Serial-numbers: 1996 (List of all S/Ns from MEI)
Collector value: 8/10,
Courtesy of: CALCUSEUM (Serge DEVIDTS),
Info: Looks like a Kit-calculator



Internals (PCB) / Internals (display)
MEI 1200-171-00

Internals (PCB)
MEI 1200-111-00

Internals (PCB bottom)

Label, name plate / Bottom
S/N: 1996

Created: 11-may-2017, Manual-update: 14-may-2017, Batch-update: 10-nov-2024             

# Pageloads since 2018: 70             

6 Pic(s),


If you have a (better) personal picture and/or missing info about any model not listed: Please do send a Mail