Vintage Electronic Calculators:

Overview of Brands


CASIO: SL800 (version-3) GD
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AKA: FILM CARD, SL-800, SOLAR CELL, Product number (P/N): SL800GD (SL-800 GD),
Keywords/Tags: SL800GD (SL-800 GD) | FILM CARD | SOLAR CELL
Date of intro: apr-1983, Origin: Japan (List), Dimensions: 86x53x1mm, Weight: 12g,
Power: Solar,
Display: Type = Display (LCD) (List), Digits = 8+1,
Number of keys: 23,
Keyboard Array (Rows x Columns): 04x06,
Classification: / Credit Card,
Featuring: Procent, Square root, Logic-technology: VLSI (Very Large Scale Integration), calculator-on-a-Chip, Memories: 1,
Serie-members: CASIO: SL800 (version-1) BK; CASIO: SL800 (version-2) WE; CASIO: SL800 (version-3) GD; CASIO: SL800 (version-4) GY; CASIO: SL800 (version-5) SR; CASIO: SL800 (version-6); CASIO: SL800 (version-7); CASIO: SL800 (version-8); CASIO: SL800 (version-9),
Known Serial-numbers: 5D505A (List of all S/Ns from CASIO)
Collector value: 7/10,


Created: 04-jun-2000, Manual-update: 24-apr-2022, Batch-update: 10-nov-2024             

# Pageloads since 2018: 47             

1 Pic(s),


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