AKA: Ei minitron 861, Product number (P/N): 861,
Keywords/Tags: 861 | Ei | minitron
Date of intro: ~1975, Dimensions: 120x70x24mm,
Display: Type = Display (LED) (List),
Number of keys: 20, #Key-Black: 9, #Key-Brown: 11,
Keyboard Array (Rows x Columns): 05x04,
Classification: / Pocket / Financial+Business,
Featuring: Procent, Square root, Logic-technology: VLSI (Very Large Scale Integration), calculator-on-a-Chip,
Original Equipment Manufacturer : SUMLOCK ANITA ELECTRONICS: Anita 861, Resemblance with: (Resemblance 054), Made by: SUMLOCK ANITA ELECTRONICS (List of all Import-OEM-models for FABRIKA RACUNSKIH MASINA),
Serie-members: FABRIKA RACUNSKIH MASINA: 861 (version-1) (LED-version); FABRIKA RACUNSKIH MASINA: 861 (version-2) (LED-version, 'M.P. ALAS'-notation); FABRIKA RACUNSKIH MASINA: 861B (VFD-version),
Known Serial-numbers: 610531 (List of all S/Ns from FABRIKA RACUNSKIH MASINA)
Collector value: 8/10,
Courtesy of: CALCUSEUM (Serge DEVIDTS),
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