Vintage Electronic Calculators:

Overview of Brands


(Keys): (Rhombus)I
(Page 1/1)

Classification: / Key,
Key used by: SHARP: CS1151 | SHARP: CS1151S | SHARP: CS1154B | SHARP: CS1156 | SHARP: CS1164B | SHARP: CS1165 | SHARP: CS1181 (version-1) | SHARP: CS1191 | SHARP: CS1606 | SHARP: CS1608 | SHARP: CS1612 | SHARP: CS1680 | SHARP: CS1780 | SHARP: CS2151 | SHARP: CS2154B | SHARP: CS2156 | SHARP: CS2157 | SHARP: CS2164 | SHARP: CS2166A | SHARP: CS2167 | SHARP: CS2181A | SHARP: CS2680 | SHARP: CS2780 | SHARP: CS4780 | TOKYO ELECTRONIC APPLICATION LAB (TEAL): 121P,
Number of calculators using this Key: 25,


Created: 28-jun-2021, Manual-update: 28-jun-2021, Batch-update: 27-jan-2025             

# Pageloads since 28-jun-2021 : 1             

1 Pic(s),


If you have a (better) personal picture and/or missing info about any model not listed: Please do send a Mail