Vintage Electronic Calculators:

Overview of Brands


(Keys): (ArrowLeft)(ArrowRight)
(Page 1/1)

Product number (P/N): <> (Key),
Keywords/Tags: -(Key)><> (Key)
Classification: / Key,
Info: Switches the display between the most and the least significant digits
Key used by: (Clones): Resemblance 015_04_05_19 | CORRECT: 1200PL | DECIMO: International (version-2) | GENERAL: 801 | HANIMEX: ESR800 | MINOLTA: Minolcom | OLYMPIA: CD60 | PANASONIC: JE660U | PRINZTRONIC: 88P (version-1) | PRINZTRONIC: 88P (version-2) | PRINZTRONIC: 99P | PRINZTRONIC: MC100 | PRINZTRONIC: MC85 | PRINZTRONIC: MC95 | QUALITRON: 1444 (version-2) | SERD: Frankfurt | SHARP: EL811 | SHARP: EL818 | SILVER-REED: 8 (version-3) | SILVER-REED: SE8 (version-1) | SILVER-REED: SE8 (version-2) | SILVER-REED: SR82 (version-2) | SMITH CORONA MARCHANT (SCM): 6612,
Number of calculators using this Key: 23,


Created: 18-nov-2020, Manual-update: 08-mar-2022, Batch-update: 27-jan-2025             

# Pageloads since 18-nov-2020 : 7             

1 Pic(s),


If you have a (better) personal picture and/or missing info about any model not listed: Please do send a Mail