Vintage Electronic Calculators:

Overview of Brands


SUNNY: 1450
(Page 1/1)

AKA (Label): MODEL-1450, Product number (P/N): 1450,
Keywords/Tags: 1450
Date of intro: ~1975, Dimensions: 145x75x35mm,
Power: 6V: (AA x4) + Adaptor,
Display: Type = Display (VFD) (List),
Number of keys: 36, #Key-Beige: 24, #Key-Red: 1, #Key-White: 11,
Keyboard Array (Rows x Columns): 08x05, Keyboard Layout: [MS] - [ARC] [sin] [cos] [tan] [MR] - [ln] [e(Power-x)] [log] [10(Power x)] [y(Power)x] - [EXP] [1/x] [(SquareRoot)x] [] [C] - [7] [8] [9] [(Pi)] [+/-] - [4] [5] [6] [[(] [)]] - [1] [2] [3] [x] [(Division)] - [0] [.] [=] [+] [-],
Miscellaneous switch: [(ArrowRight)-ON RD-DG],
Classification: / Pocket,
Featuring: Scientific functions, Square root, PI, Logic-technology: VLSI (Very Large Scale Integration), calculator-on-a-Chip,
Original Equipment Manufacturer : QUALITRON: 1450 (version-1), Resemblance with: (Resemblance 014), Made by: QUALITRON (List of all Import-OEM-models for SUNNY),
Collector value: 7/10,
Courtesy of: VAN ZANDWEGHE Eduardo Gonzales,


Label, name plate / Bottom
(Courtesy of: VAN ZANDWEGHE Eduardo Gonzales)

Created: 10-aug-2020, Manual-update: 27-dec-2020, Batch-update: 28-jan-2025             

# Pageloads since 10-aug-2020 : 24             

2 Pic(s),


If you have a (better) personal picture and/or missing info about any model not listed: Please do send a Mail