Vintage Electronic Calculators:

Overview of Brands


OMRON_parts(E): Alpha3 (ChipSet)
(Page 1/1)

AKA: ALPHA 3, Product number (P/N): ALPHA3,
Keywords/Tags: ALPHA3 | 3
Date of intro: ~1971, Case: Type = Dual In Line (DIL) 28,
Classification: / Part,
Featuring: Logic-technology: LSI (Large Scale Integration), calculator-chipset,
Made by: NORTEC ELECTRONICS (List of all Import-OEM-models for OMRON_parts(E)),
Serie-members: OMRON_parts(E): Alpha1 (ChipSet) (); OMRON_parts(E): Alpha2 (ChipSet) (); OMRON_parts(E): Alpha3 (ChipSet) (),


IC (Member)
7135 (NE 7135)

IC (Member)
7137 (NE 7137)
Host: #89567#
S/N: ?

IC (Member)
7140 (NE 7140)
Host: UNICOM: 800
S/N: 103027

IC (Member)
7148 (NE 7148)
Host: OMRON: 800D
S/N: 104784

IC (Member)
7208 (NE 7208)

Created: 01-jan-2015, Manual-update: 18-oct-2020, Batch-update: 28-jan-2025             

# Pageloads since 2018: 14             

6 Pic(s),


If you have a (better) personal picture and/or missing info about any model not listed: Please do send a Mail