Vintage Electronic Calculators:

Overview of Brands


MONROE: 1330
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AKA (Label): MODEL 1330, ELECTRONIC PRINTING CALCULATOR, Product number (P/N): 1330,
Keywords/Tags: 1330
Date of intro: 1972, Origin: USA (List), Dimensions: 368x312x114mm,
Power: AC,
Display: Type = Display (LED) (List), Extra Display features: Type = Display (LED: as bulb) (List), Quantity = 1,
Number of keys: 23, #Key-Black: 23,
Keyboard Array (Rows x Columns): 04x08, Keyboard Layout: [RV] [(Division)] [7] [8] [9] [-] [(Rhombus)] - [=-] [=] [4] [5] [6] [+] - [=+] [1] [2] [3] [*] - [C] [CK] [x] [0] [.],
Decimal switch: [8-6-4-2-0-F-+], Round switch: [(ArrowDown)-5/4], Miscellaneous switch: [x=-=(Division) (Blank)-GT],
Internal Printer: SHINSHU SEIKI: 102,
Classification: / Desktop with Display+Printer,
Featuring: Logic-technology: LSI (Large Scale Integration), calculator-chipset, Memories: 1,
Related with: MONROE_docu: 1601S (Instr.) 1330; MONROE_docu: (Ad.) 1330: It took the calculator industry 50 years...; MONROE_docu: (Broch.) 1330: Calcolatrice Elettronica Scrivente; (Cables): Female_4-Holes: 0023x0023x0050,
Main Components: ROCKWELL: *,
Known Serial-numbers: E662564 | E665494 (List of all S/Ns from MONROE)
Collector value: 8/10,
Courtesy of: CALCUSEUM (Serge DEVIDTS),


Label, name plate

Label, name plate / Bottom

Protection (dust cover)

Created: 21-jun-2011, Manual-update: 03-mar-2022, Batch-update: 10-nov-2024             

# Pageloads since 2018: 209             

4 Pic(s),


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