AKA: SBC 1730 solar scientific calculator, AKA (Label): Solar scientific calculator, Product number (P/N): 482203011013 (4822 030 11013),
Keywords/Tags: 482203011013 (4822 030 11013) | SBC1730 (SBC 1730) | Solar scientific calculator
Origin: Taiwan (List), Dimensions: 140x70x8mm, Weight: 85g,
Power: Solar,
Display: Type = Display (LCD) (List), Digits = 10+2,
Number of keys: 39, #Key-Black: 20, #Key-Red: 1, #Key-White: 18,
Keyboard Array (Rows x Columns): 08x06,
Classification: / Pocket,
Featuring: Scientific functions, Square root, Logic-technology: VLSI (Very Large Scale Integration), calculator-on-a-Chip,
Related with: PHILIPS_docu: (Instr.) SBC1730; PHILIPS_parts: (Box) SBC1730,
Made by: CASIO (List of all Import-OEM-models for PHILIPS),
Serie-members: PHILIPS: SBC1730 (version-1) (Logo at Upper Right); PHILIPS: SBC1730 (version-2) (Logo at Upper Left),
Collector value: 7/10,
Courtesy of: CALCUSEUM (Serge DEVIDTS),
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