Vintage Electronic Calculators:

Overview of Brands


CASIO: EZ500 (version-3) WE
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AKA: EZ-500, PHONE CARD 300, Product number (P/N): EZ500BWE (EZ-500),
Keywords/Tags: EZ500BWE (EZ-500) | 300 | PHONE CARD 300
Date of intro: ~1994, Dimensions: 86x54x2mm, Weight: 11g,
Power: 3V: (CR2025 x1),
Display: Type = Display (LCD) (List),
Classification: / Credit Card / Data,
Featuring: Procent,
Related with: CASIO_docu: (Cat.) 199412 (Japanese); CASIO_parts: (Box) EZ500WE,
Serie-members: CASIO: EZ500 (version-1) BK; CASIO: EZ500 (version-2) BKB; CASIO: EZ500 (version-3) WE; CASIO: EZ500 (version-4) PE; CASIO: EZ500 (version-5) GD,
Initial Cost Price: 5900 JPY (€ 47,79),


Created: 11-apr-2014, Manual-update: 29-dec-2022, Batch-update: 28-jul-2024             

# Pageloads since 2018: 13             

1 Pic(s),


If you have a (better) personal picture and/or missing info about any model not listed: Please do send a Mail