AKA: Compet 16, Product number (P/N): CS16D,
Keywords/Tags: CS16D | 16 | Compet
Date of intro: 1969,
Power: AC,
Display: Type = Display (Itron/Digitron) (List), Digits = 12,
Number of keys: 23, #Key-Blue: 5, #Key-Red: 1, #Key-White: 17,
Keyboard Array (Rows x Columns): 04x07, Keyboard Layout: [K] [7] [8] [9] [RC] [=] [CM] - [CE] [4] [5] [6] [x] [(Division)] [MR] - [C] [1] [2] [3] [M-] - [0] [.] [=] [M+],
Classification: / Desktop with Display,
Featuring: Logic-technology: SSI (Small Scale Integration) / JMOS (Japanese MOS), Memories: 1,
Serie-members: SHARP: CS12A (12-Digit Itron, No Mem.); SHARP: CS12D (12-Digit Itron, No Mem.); SHARP: CS16A (12-Digit Itron, Mem.); SHARP: CS16C (12-Digit Nixie, Mem.); SHARP: CS16D (12-Digit Itron, Mem.); SHARP: CS16S (12-Digit Nixie, Mem.); SHARP: CS17B (12-Digit Nixie, No Mem.); SHARP: CS17C (12-Digit Nixie, No Mem.); SHARP: CS18D (12-Digit Itron, Mem.); SHARP: CS22A (14-Digit Nixie, Mem.); SHARP: CS22C (14-Digit Nixie, Mem.); SHARP: CS23C (14-Digit Nixie, Mem.),
Collector value: 8.5/10,
!!! This item is WANTED to join the collection !!!
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