Vintage Electronic Calculators:

Overview of Brands


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AKA: underwood 581, AKA (Label): ELECTRONIC PRINTING CALCULATOR, underwood 581P, Product number (P/N): 581P,
Keywords/Tags: 581P | underwood
Date of intro: 1976, Origin: Japan (List),
Power: AC,
Display: Type = Display (None) (List), Extra Display features: Type = Display (LED: as bulb) (List), Quantity = 3,
Number of keys: 26, #Key-Black: 13, #Key-Orange: 1, #Key-White: 12,
Keyboard Array (Rows x Columns): 04x08, Keyboard Layout: [(ArrowUp1)] [CM] [7] [8] [9] [-=] [(Division)] - [CE] [RM] [4] [5] [6] [+=] [%] - [C] [M-=] [1] [2] [3] [x] [*] - [M+=] [0] [00] [.] [#/(Rhombus)],
Decimal switch: [A-2-3-4-6], Round switch: [(Blank)-5/4], Miscellaneous switch: [(Blank)-K (Blank)-CNT], Indicators: OVF MEM ON,
Classification: / Desktop with Printer,
Featuring: Procent, Square root, Logic-technology: VLSI (Very Large Scale Integration), calculator-on-a-Chip,
Certification: 603K(UL) (List All UL's),
Related with: SHINSHU SEIKI_parts: EP104 (Internal printer),
Main Components: NEC: µPD299C; (Unknown manufacturer)_parts(E): 112PNA2 (PCB),
Other components: NEC: µPD262C; ...,
Known Serial-numbers: 05117 | 09563 | 64123 (List of all S/Ns from OLIVETTI)
Collector value: 7/10,
Courtesy of: MÜLLER Andreas,


Internals (printer)
(Courtesy of: MÜLLER Andreas)

Internals (printer)
(Courtesy of: MÜLLER Andreas)

Internals (PCB)
(Courtesy of: MÜLLER Andreas)

Label, name plate / Bottom
(Courtesy of: MÜLLER Andreas)

Label, name plate
S/N: 05117
(Courtesy of: MÜLLER Andreas)

Created: 11-nov-2015, Manual-update: 10-aug-2019, Batch-update: 11-nov-2024             

# Pageloads since 2018: 72             

6 Pic(s),


If you have a (better) personal picture and/or missing info about any model not listed: Please do send a Mail