AKA: Nippon Calculator, AKA (Label): ElectroTechnical Industries, Product number (P/N): 162,
Keywords/Tags: 162
Date of intro: 16-nov-1967, Dimensions: 333x333x143mm, Weight: 7000g,
Display: Type = Display (Nixie) (List), Digits = 16,
Number of keys: 30,
Classification: / Desktop with Display / Memory (core),
Featuring: Square root, Logic-technology: SSI: DTL (Diode Transistor Logic), Memories: 2, Memory-technology: Memory (core),
Related with: BUSICOM_docu: (Broch.) 162: Electronic 10Key...; BUSICOM_docu: (Broch.) 162: La calculatrice electronique...; BUSICOM_docu: (Broch.) 162 (J) version-2; BUSICOM_docu: (Ad.) 162: La calculatrice electronique de table,
Resemblance with: NATIONAL CASH REGISTER (NCR): 18-3,
Known Serial-numbers: 03GB200074 | 16955 | 17459 | 20762 | 20785 | PH52687 | RS54873 (RS 54873) | RU56485 (RU 56485) (List of all S/Ns from BUSICOM)
Collector value: 9.5/10,
Courtesy of: CALCUSEUM (Serge DEVIDTS),
Info: This 162C model seems to be the big brother of the BUSICOM: 162C, adding a Square Root function.
Internet: Link-1: DENTAKU MUSEUM, Link-2
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