Product number (P/N): 4511A,
Keywords/Tags: 4511A
Date of intro: 1974, Origin: Japan (List), Dimensions: 105x50x35mm, Weight: 80g,
Power: 9V + Adaptor,
Display: Type = Display (LED) (List), Digits = 8+1,
Number of keys: 19, #Key-Red: 1, #Key-White: 18,
Keyboard Array (Rows x Columns): 05x04, Keyboard Layout: [%] [C] [D] - [7] [8] [9] [(Division)] - [4] [5] [6] [x] - [1] [2] [3] [-] - [0] [.] [=] [+],
Miscellaneous switch: [ON-OFF],
Classification: / Pocket,
Featuring: Procent, Logic-technology: VLSI (Very Large Scale Integration), calculator-on-a-Chip,
Resemblance with: (Unknown manufacturer): LE-8-7; HOMELAND: 80D; KOVAC: LE808P; MAGICLICK: 020; PRINZTRONIC: LE808P; RAMBLER: (Unknown model), (Resemblance 026),
Known Serial-numbers: 27079 | 28199 | 31424 | 32341 (List of all S/Ns from CRAIG)
Initial Cost Price: USD39.00, Collector value: 8/10,
Courtesy of: CALCUSEUM (Serge DEVIDTS),
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