AKA: SOBAX 350, AKA (Label): SOBAX ICC-350, ELECTRONIC CALCULATOR, Product number (P/N): ICC350 (ICC-350),
Keywords/Tags: ICC350 (ICC-350) | SOBAX | 350
Date of intro: feb-1973,
Power: AC,
Display: Type = Display (Gas disharge) (List), Digits = 16+1, Extra Display features: Type = Display (Incandescent bulb) (List), Quantity = 5,
Number of keys: 31, #Key-Black: 5, #Key-Blue: 8, #Key-Grey: 7, #Key-White: 11,
Keyboard Array (Rows x Columns): 05x07, Keyboard Layout: [T] [K] [(TriangleDownOutline)] [FIX] [(Sigma)] - [C ALL] [(Division)] [7] [8] [9] [C E] [MT C-IN] - [R] [x] [4] [5] [6] [-] [M C] - [MT OUT] [=] [1] [2] [3] [+] [M IN] - [M1 OUT] [0] [.] [CHG SIGN] [(SquareRoot)],
Decimal switch: [(ArrowDown)_3-2-0],
Classification: / Desktop with Display,
Featuring: Square root, Logic-technology: LSI (Large Scale Integration), calculator-chipset,
Related with: SONY_docu: (Instr.) *: ICC300,ICC330,ICC350,
Main Components: HITACHI: HD3562S; HITACHI: HD35611; HITACHI: HD35631,
Other components: (Unknown manufacturer): IC6276 {2x}; (Unknown manufacturer): IC6277,
Serie-members: SONY: ICC300 (); SONY: ICC330 (); SONY: ICC350 (),
Known Serial-numbers: 300582 (List of all S/Ns from SONY)
Collector value: 9/10,
Courtesy of: CALCUSEUM (Serge DEVIDTS),
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