Vintage Electronic Calculators:

Overview of Brands


SHARP_parts(E): 4051PCBD (PCB)
(Page 1/1)

AKA: 4051-PCB-D, Product number (P/N): 4051PCBD (4051-PCB-D),
Keywords/Tags: 4051PCBD (4051-PCB-D)
Date of intro: ~1971,
Display: Type = Display (Itron/Digitron) (List), Brand = ISEDEN: DG10L {8x}, Digits = 8, Extra Display features: Type = Display (VFD tube) (List), Brand = ISEDEN: SP8A, Quantity = 1,
Classification: / Part / PCB,
Main Components: HITACHI: HD3120 {6x}; HITACHI: HD3121 {3x},
Used in: ADDO-X: 9364, FACIT: 1111


Internals (PCB)
Specimen 1
Prod.Date: 30-apr-1971
Host: ADDO-X: 9364
S/N: 1402444

Internals (PCB)
Specimen 1: Bottom
Prod.Date: 30-apr-1971
Host: ADDO-X: 9364
S/N: 1402444

Internals (PCB)
Specimen 2
Prod.Date: 26-aug-1971
Host: FACIT: 1111
S/N: 1109112

Internals (PCB)
Specimen 2: Bottom
Prod.Date: 26-aug-1971
Host: FACIT: 1111
S/N: 1109112

Created: 04-sep-2016, Manual-update: 07-sep-2016, Batch-update: 28-jan-2025             

# Pageloads since 2018: 21             

5 Pic(s),


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