Vintage Electronic Calculators:

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(From Catalog): The 666 programmable calculator combines in itself the programming facilities of large capacity computers and the easy handling of small-size desk-top calculators. It can be used for manual calculations by means of a keyboard usual with desk calculators, or by programming the frequently applied operations and sets of operations, as well as for running complex programs. Basic operations can be carried out either with the contents of the displayed registers or with the direct, indirect, addressed registers of the operative memory. The operations are interpreted to decimal numbers displayed in semilogarithmic form (12 digits mantissa and 2 digits characteristic). Standard functions of the calculator are the most important logarithmic, exponential and trigonometric ones as well os coordinate conversions. The operational times are 600 µs for addition and subtraction, 2 to 6 ms for multiplication and division, 40 ms for logarithmic calculations and 60 to 160 ms for trigonometric functions. In basic configuration (104+8 data registers or 832 program steps), the working memory has a capacity of 1kx8 bits. It can be extended up to 8kx8 bits by the addition of optional extension boards: 71662 (2kx8 bits); 71664 (4kx8 bits); 71668 (8kx8 bits) There is a built-in cassette tape recorder to be used as a background memory. The tape speed of the recorder is 4.75 cm/s. Each cassette will accommodate 20.000 to 100.000 instructions. All the functions of the recorder are progammable. The integrated circuit device also employs a 95x120 mm CRT display with 4 rows. The number of characters in each line is 16. The calculator provides: - Cycle organizing instructions, - Logic operations are interpreted between character contents of registers, - Mmodes of control transfer: symbolic, conditional. absolute, calculated, - 8 level subroutine handling, - Program modification, text editing„ binary number handling by byte operations - Dialogical connection can be created between the colculotor and the operator by text information editing and displaying - Programmed keyboard handling, - Program interruption system.